Congrats to Kelly Kanches for recently passing Salesforce Advanced Administrator Exam – ADM 211 . I did approach Kelly to congrats her and within that converstion ,We decided to share her Salesforce Advanced Administrator Exam – ADM 211 Passing Tips and Since Kelly doesn’t run any blogs for now,We decided to put it here.Thanks Kelly for taking this Step !
Although there have been awesome blogs already on the exam tipssuch as sfdc99 guide ,recent post by my friend Jennifer Lee,Tips by Salesforce Ben and many more..But I think it is always good to have more content to share on such topics.Let’s hear what she says-
I think it is important to note that Salesforce always does an excellent job of testing your knowledge and this was the most difficult exam I have taken so far. In saying that, you will need to really understand the topic and read the questions. Read the question more than once and read the answers carefully! I say this because there are trick questions everywhere and one word in the question or answer will affect the accurate response.
One “trick” question that stuck out in my mind was asking what you would use in a scenario to complete an automation requirement. One word “simplest” changed my response. Salesforce asked what the “simplest” way to accomplish the scenario presented. Tip: remember you can do the same automated workflows inside of an approval process!
I took the exam and then went back over each question and my answer again. I changed 6 of my answered based on some wording that I was able to catch once I read it again. My suggestion is to study and prepare as much as possible, KNOW the material inside and out, and to take your time to read the question and provided answers carefully.
That being said – here is what I used to study!Forecasting:
I good portion of the exam asked questions regarding Forecasting. Particularly differences between Collaborative and Customizable Forecasting. Since my org doesn’t use this tool (yet) I learned this from scratch. I found this particularly enlightening as I will now pitch this function to our sales director as I see true value in this!
I started with this video – I am a visual learner! So hop in your dev org and follow along.
I am extremely fond of the “Use what you pay for” series on YouTube. This video outlines key differences between Collaborative and Customizable Forecasting. I took screen shots of the differences when they were presented and saved to my desktop to reference and study. She also does a wonderful job of providing use cases so you can see when/where the different types might be applied.Territory:
Another topic that we don’t use in my org was Territory management. I started from scratch here too. TIP: Make sure you understand how Territory Hierarchy and Role Hierarchy work!
This video was helpful (please make sure you study SF documentation as things may have been released more recently that would affect your answers).Here is the SF documentation I studied.Reports and Dashboards:
Understanding the report types and use cases for using a report type is key to success with this exam (and with using Salesforce!)
Dynamic Dashboards (if you don’t already use them…check this out!)
Check this Video for Cross Filter and Joined Reports.Security:
Another topic broadly covered on the exam was related to security.
Permission Sets, Profiles, Record Access, and Delegated Administration.
I used this heavily in my org on a daily basis – for those that don’t I suggest reading the SF documentation in detail:
Permission Sets Considerations
Admin DelegationOther Topics Covered:
I recently implemented Communities and Knowledge – so I found this part to be a breeze to study for. Please make sure you spend time understanding the use cases for Knowledge and how to implement via video and help article.
Tip: Don’t forget about Live Agent! What it’s capable of and what benefits come along with it and Data Management (when you would use what tool)Flashcards:
I love flashcards! I take these a step further and have found that not only do I learn the material, I truly understand it. I print these flashcards off and then when I didn’t already know the answer I look it up on the SF help site and reference my dev org or Trailhead to try and reproduce the scenario. Hands on learning will ensure you really “get it” and understand the material deeply. This will help you so much when you are presented with a “trick” question.
I love Quizlet so here are the sets I used
ADM 211 Quizlet Cards
ADM 211 Reviewer Card
Want to know more about Kelly?Please check the Girly Geek Chapter and #success2M celebration section.