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Learn Salesforce Reports with Examples–Bucketing in Salesforce Reports

Learn Salesforce Reports with Examples – Bucketing in Salesforce Reports is the third part of the series “Learn Salesforce Reports with Examples” where I will be sharing some key features for the Salesforce Reports which is an inspiration from a similar series on formulas – “Learn Salesforce Formulas with Examples” and the numerous related queries on Answers Community. Learn Salesforce Reports with Examples – Bucketing in Salesforce Reports will surely prove to be helpful to the Salesforce Report users in learning & implementing bucketing in Salesforce Reports.


“Bucketing lets you quickly categorize report records without creating a formula or a custom field, Bucket fields can be used like any other field to sort, filter, and group your report. When you create a bucket field, you define multiple categories (buckets) used to group report values.”

It can group only the below data types fields:

1. Picklist
2. Number
3. Text

I will take an example of a common use case where:

  • First Bucketing on Basis of Amount (Numeric Bucketing Example): The Administrator has been asked to segregate opportunities on basis of the “Amount” mentioned in the Opportunity object
  • Here if the opportunity amount if “Amount <=500: Category=Bronze”, “Amount >500 to 1000: Category=Silver”, “Amount >1000 to 10000: Category=Bronze”
  • Second Bucketing on Basis of Stage (Picklist Bucketing Example): Here all the Opportunities where “Stage = Closed Won” are categorized as “Winning”, “Stage = Closed Lost” are categorized as “Loose” and all other Stages are categorized as “Others”
  • Third Bucketing on basis of Opportunity Age (Numeric Bucketing Example): If Opportunity “CloseDate<=10” Category=Immediate Respondent, “CloseDate>30” Category=Late Respondent, “CloseDate>30” Category=Non-Respondent.

Here is how I have categorized bucket fields on my data in Opportunity sObject:

  1. On basis of Amount
  2. On the basis of Stage
  3. Based on Opportunity Age

The second use case here would be using the Bucket field as a filter criteria of the report

  1. User will create the first Bucket field on basis of Amount:

Learn Salesforce Reports with Examples Using Bucketing create


Learn Salesforce Reports with Examples Using Bucketing report


2. User will create the first Bucket field on basis of StageName:

Learn Salesforce Reports with Examples Using Bucketing Range1

3. User will create the first Bucket field on basis of Age:

Learn Salesforce Reports with Examples Using Bucketing Range


Now the user needs to Create filters based on values in Bucket field:

Learn Salesforce Reports with Examples Using Bucketing Example


Learn Salesforce Reports with Examples Using Bucketing Filter1


Learn Salesforce Reports with Examples Using Bucketing filter


Get more information on Bucketing in Salesforce Reports I would recommend reading the following documentation by Salesforce:

Also, don’t miss out on the following articles:

Start with Bucketing in Salesforce Reports:

Number Bucketing Example:

Picklist Bucketing Example:

Important considerations for all users working on Field-Bucketing in Salesforce:


  • As mentioned Earlier:

It can group only the below data types fields:
1. Picklist
2. Number
3. Text

  • To show the values for a particular bucket, click the bucket name.
  • To remove values from a bucket, select the values and drag them to another bucket, or drag them to Un-bucketed Values.
  • Bucket fields can be used for sorting, filtering and grouping your report.
  • Bucket field of a report is only available for that report where it’s created.

Finally, lets use a bucket field in our report:







Hope you Enjoyed the blog “Learn Salesforce Reports with Examples – Bucketing in Salesforce Reports”, stay tuned for more blogs in the series.